La bataille de Ronchamp

According to French journal "Le Monde" in a top article on 28 may 2008, Le Corbusier continues his fighting to defeat his colleagues architects, even after his death. His victime for this time is our master, Monsieur Renzo Piano!

The problem began at the site at Ronchamp, where we can find the Master piece of Le CORBUSIER, chapelle de Notre-Dame-du-Haut, completed in 1955 on a summit of colline at small village at Ronchamp, at Haute-Saône. Thanks for LC, this long-time religious pélelinage place is changed to be a tourism destination, which modify the spiritual atmosphere into a secularised place. “Recover the Spirit of God!”…religious association, l'Association Œuvre Notre-Dame-du-Haut was determined to construct new installation to establish new spiritual atmosphere at this historical site and commissioned to Renzo Piano, ex-avant-gard architect in his youth with his remarquable Pompidou, like Savoie of LC…? Great prayer from Italian Catholic spirit… All for that, La foundation de LC opposes this project for fear that the new building would disturb this site, well established by Master LC and his memory of Ronchamp.
This incident indicates that too much strong personality or self-consciousness remains over time and place, after one’s death. “Look…my constructions are lower than the chapelle, we will not see it. I do not understand..;” compliment of Master Piano.

Just take a look before disappearance of article.